Items are the basic unit of content in Proskomma. There are three types of items. All items have the same structure:
a type (‘token’, ‘scope’ or ‘graft’).
a subType (depending on the type).
a payload (depending on the type).
Tokens contain text:
the type is ‘token’.
the subType describes the text (‘wordlike’, ‘linespace’ or ‘punctuation’).
the payload contains the actual text.
Scopes enclose other content, and are used to represent a wide range of markup:
the type is ‘scope’.
the subType is ‘start’ or ‘end’.
the payload contains a string representation of the scope (strings separated by ‘/’).
Grafts connect sequences, and are used to add headings, footnotes and other content:
the type is ‘graft’.
the subType is the type of graft.
the payload contains the id of the grafted sequence.
See the full schema for items for more details.